journal: rimshot
contact: dropbox
or aim: miavinnievangogh
writing: third party,
past tense, storybook scenes: aim pref.
but threads okay
park chanyeol

full name park chanyeol band exo journal ~rimshot aim twitter @syncopatings age 20, born november 27, 1994 year sophomore fraternity delta tau delta major architecture, music minor clubs music, photography
works at campus radio, mostly doing audio mixing in his first year, but he's aiming for his own slot in the fall

plays guitar, bass, piano, and violin, but loves drums the most

volunteers at an orphanage on the weekends, cleaning and playing with the kids

has 20/20 vision thanks to lasik surgery gifted by his parents after graduation, but still tends to wear lensless glasses - he's just used to it

has a love for animals, especially cats and dogs, despite having bad allergies

often likened to an oversized beagle: noisy and easily excited

Likes/Dislikes LIKES animals, all kinds of music,